Video Player: Kodi

Music Player: VLC

Where to save the videos and music:

  1. For all video, to save in the following path:

    1. This PC > Videos > Playlist

  2. For all music, to save in the following path:

    1. This PC > Music > Playlist


How to update the playlist: 


For Music using VLC player:


  1. Once you saved all the music files into the path: This PC > Music > Playlist

  2. To open playlist


  1. To add music from My Music to the VLC playlist


  1. To view the playlist


  1. To restart the VLC player to reflect the playlist in IoT Dashboard, click off :

  2. Click on:

  3. Playlist is updated


For Video using Kodi:

  1. Once you saved all the video files into the path: This PC > Videos > Playlist

  2. From the IoT Dashboard, go to TV tab, follow the following steps to queue the songs into the playlist:


  1. In miniPC, when Kodi is playing, you may have hard time to minimize it, please use the following steps to bring the taskbar out for you to navigate around, you can click ESC when necessary